My Twilight Collection

This is going to be mainly Twilight Collection :) i have been collecting since twilight came out and also am willing to sell or trade things :D!! check out my Vampire Diaries Collection at

Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Moon Edward and Bella Tonner Doll

Edward Distant Devotion
Tonner Doll

Bella New Moon Birthday Tonner Doll

So a long time ago I purchased both Edward and Bella Tonner dolls as with all the post I will do pros and cons of both at.   Retail. $140  Purchased For Approx.: $110.
Pros: I love how the doll is about 17" tall way bigger than the standard 12" dolls by barbie (which i will do a review on those later). Clothing detail is very accurate and beautiful. Unlike usual dolls these come with socks and important significant accessories. I love his eyes how they are sunken in almost like the movie where you can tell he is deprived and upset due to being apart from Bella. Cons: His hair is very slicked back and not cut properly at all. The doll itself rarely looks like Edward at all I think for the price they could've done a slightly better job in facial features. 
Pros: What catches my attention is the green color of Bella's dress it looks very satin like her dress and the ones that were sold at the store. I like the fact that they give you the turquoise bracelet and the brown prayer bracelet. I think the doll is overall stunning look wise. I think facial features slightly resemble Bella's New Moon look Cons: There is a lot of detail cons on clothing the dress is beautiful but not dead on movie accurate first the black flower print and black waist band is supposed to be velvet not satin. Another part that is supposed to be velvet are the shoes but instead they are regular hard fabric without Velcro straps they are such a hassle to put on i took about 20 minutes just trying to get them on. Back to the dress there is supposed to be some black decorative lining at the top of the dress. The cardigan also doesn't have any buttons like on the actual worn cardigan. I think they could've at least added her moonstone ring to her right hand since the prop replica was best seen on New Moon. Overall i think the doll looks absolutely beautiful but wouldn't be my first choice in buying a tonner doll.


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